BonBon’s story began in 2004 when a girl, bursting with a rare thirst for life, introduced herself to the world for the first time. She took pleasure in getting to know her feminine form and experimenting with it – so she adorned herself with outrageously revealing and...
BonBon’s story began in 2004 when a girl, bursting with a rare thirst for life, introduced herself to the world for the first time. She took pleasure in getting to know her feminine form and experimenting with it – so she adorned herself with outrageously revealing and shocking body accessories. The girl fought for years against outdated beliefs forbidding sex appeal until she grew into a self-aware, powerful woman. Today, tens of thousands of women have joined her revolutionary journey to self-love and -respect, uniting the desire to unapologetically experience the wonderful facets of being a woman in all its glory.