Good time to visit us, as the centre is quiet.

Shops 10–21, Su 10-19

Rimi 8–22

for a better tomorrow

From the very beginning of Ülemiste Centre, it has always been important to us to make sure that everyone feels welcome.

Proportion of renewable electricity used for own use


Lower CO2 emissions compared to 2019

1064 t

Tenants who are satisfied with the work of the Centre's management in Covid-19 conditions in 2021


Supported organizations in 2021


Our social responsibility is reflected in every decision we make, which is why they must be informed and sustainable. Decisions that create a sense of security for visitors and help reduce the centre’s ecological footprint. We see every day that good decisions build trusting relationships with tenants, which in turn allows us to collectively contribute to a supportive environment for people, building confidence in all employees and their families.

That is why we invest in projects that promote equal opportunities, health and environmentally conscious behaviour, both within Ülemiste Centre and in society at large. To this end, we have developed, in close cooperation with our tenants and partners, five focal points of social responsibility, which we work on together every day.

Ülemiste involves everyone

Ülemiste involves everyone

Every day, the entire Ülemiste Centre team works to be responsible towards people and the environment in everything we do. We are happy to involve all members of our community, from tenants to visitors, in our community projects, because the joy of working together is always the greatest, and ultimately leads to the best possible outcome.

Watch the video of our responsible business panel at the Rentnike Suurkogu.

In our activities, we are guided by the company’s values and code of ethics, which describes and directs our behaviour towards our visitors, partners, owners, each other, and society as a whole.

Constant communication is the basis of everything

It is important for us to have an open and consistent relationship with our tenants and partners. This is a way for everyone to have their say, because social issues are a common concern.

Always available for our tenants:

Communication: monthly information sessions, ongoing information on the website, newsletters 1–2 times a month, SMS with reminders (about campaigns, events, information sessions, etc.), annual Rentnike Suurkogu and monthly meetings of the tenants’ council

Support: new tenant start-up package, in-house tours, ABC of marketing training, digital evacuation training for the staff

Well-being: free parking on the fourth and fifth level of the car park, changing rooms with washing facilities, discounts for in-house staff in shops and restaurants

Motivation: competition ‘Best Shop’, New Year’s Gala

Pleasantly cosy feeling

The satisfaction of our employees is one of our priorities. We are always there for them and we are also constantly working to raise our people’s health awareness.

We strive to make Ülemiste a pleasant and stimulating place to work. We carry out a variety of surveys to get feedback to help us improve even more.

Together we are environmentally conscious

Together we are environmentally conscious

We are continuously reducing the environmental impact of the centre’s activities. We help our tenants and visitors to do the same. We are finding ever better solutions to reduce our climate impact. We are committed to ensuring that Estonia’s forests remain viable in the future.

Smaller footprint, better life

We are recycling with pride. You can send bottles, paper, glass, and packaging to a new life cycle, and take your used clothes to the Recycling Closet.

Some of the bins in our customer areas offer pre-sorting. In addition, we have smart bins, which compact the waste themselves and are therefore more economical.

We are actively involved in environmental pilot projects, which have resulted in the use of Ringo reusable packaging and the possibility to return Tetra Pak cartons in several of our cafés and restaurants.

We covered 1,100 square meters of the Ülemiste center parking lot with green asphalt produced in Estonia and reduced CO2 emissions by 85% by installing it.

We moved beehives on the roof of the center and received about 600 kg of high-quality honey with the past two years harvest.

Protecting Estonia’s forests

Ülemiste Centre has been supporting the Estonian Fund for Nature since 2018. With our help, we have created a website promoting nature-friendly forestry at, a nature trail in Pokumaa, and organised a well-received seminar ‘Kes hoiab tulevikus metsa püsti?’ (‘Who will keep the forest standing in the future?’).

Watch video 

More about working with the Estonian Fund for Nature 

Our choice is renewable energy

We optimise the centre’s daily energy consumption with solutions from R8 Technologies and prefer renewable energy. An important part of this is the solar panels on the center’s roof.

Our centre has the BREEAM green label. This means that the sustainability of the building has been ensured, environmental protection has been taken into account, as well as the requirements for materials and technical systems. The BREEAM standard covers the development as a whole, i.e. the building from the surrounding traffic management to the technical systems inside the building. Ülemiste Centre is currently certified as ‘ very good’. We are aiming for a high-quality standard of ‘excellent’. Read more 

Good health is the foundation of everything

Good health is the foundation of everything

Good health makes you feel good and keeps you going. We promote health-conscious behaviour in our communities by offering healthy choices at every turn. In addition, we place particular emphasis on cleanliness and a high-quality indoor environment.

Smart systems ensure clean air

We place particular emphasis on a high-quality indoor climate to ensure that everyone in the centre feels good. To this end, in partnership with R8 Technologies, we have created an automated climatic environment in the centre at the lowest possible cost.

Watch video

We have been awarded the clean air label developed by the Union of Merchants and the Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision Agency.

  • Encouraging mobility: we have 103 bicycle parking spaces, and Bikeep bike parking was used 8,040 times in 2022
  • Healthy and varied menu in our restaurants
  • To support grassroots sports, we have been hosting the Ülemiste Night Run for 5 years now – an exercise event for everyone: more than 4700 participants in 2024

Have you been to Ülemiste Night Run?

You can feel safe with us

You can feel safe with us

Our aim is to minimise accidents and hazards in the centre and parking areas.

The visitor information on our website shows real-time occupancy, so you can plan the most convenient and suitable time to visit the centre.

Moving safely

  • Investing in safer pedestrian movement in our parking areas
  • Conveniently wide parking spaces in the outdoor car park
  • We have 23 charging stations for electric cars and 20 for scooters

We are always ready

We train the whole Ülemiste family on security and organise joint drills, so that we are always prepared for possible emergencies. In 2021 – 2023, a total of 1722 members of our staff took part in safety training.

Everyone is welcome

Everyone is welcome

Our centre’s facilities and services are thoughtfully designed to ensure equal opportunities and access for all.

Everyone can move around comfortably

We have been awarded the ‘SIIA SAAB – Access for All’ label, which values an open and accessible environment for all. Read more

  • 29 parking spaces for people with special needs
  • 81 extra-large parking spaces for families and ride-sharers
  • Touch-screen house plans and shop signs
  • Wheelchair rental and assistive devices for the hard of hearing

Come with the whole family

  • Special mother and baby rooms
  • Pushchair hire (including double pushchair)

Supporting those who need it most

  • We include local small businesses among our tenants
  • We support business and charity projects Apply 
  • We organise a charity Christmas fair ‘Topeltkink’ in partnership with orphanages
  • Each year, together with our visitors, we support five organisations as part of the ‘Aitame koos’ programme, which in recent years have included the Food Bank, the Estonian Animal Welfare Association, the Children’s Fund of Tartu University Hospital, Tallinn Helen School, and the Estonian Nature Foundation

How to get here

Buses no 2, 7, 15, 45, 49, 64

Tram no 2 and no 4 (Closest stop is Majaka põik)

By train to “Ülemiste” stop

In the outdoor car park, parking garage and underground car park parking is free for five hours, after which it becomes paid parking.

Secure Bikeep bike parks are located next to the center